Prototyper avec la science-fiction

Comment utiliser la science-fiction dans l'entreprise, pour faire de l'innovation "effective" ? Le livre de Brian David Johnson, d'Intel propose sa réponse à la question. Je n'ai pas lu ce livre,mais  le résumé en anglais est ci-dessous. Vous pouvez par contre lire un article du même auteur sur le sujet.



Brian David Johnson?‌ /Intel Corporation

Abstract :

Science fiction is the playground of the imagination. If you are interested in science or fascinated with the future then science fiction is where you explore new ideas and let your dreams and nightmares duke it out on the safety of the page or screen. But what if we could use science fiction to do more than that? What if we could use science fiction based on science fact to not only imagine our future but develop new technologies and products? What if we could use stories, movies and comics as a kind of tool to explore the real world implications and uses of future technologies today?




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Source : Intel, the (to)morrow project, Via le blog de Michaud Thomas



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